JESUS SAID: ?When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with him, He will sit on His throne in Heavenly glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on His right and the goats on His left. Then the King will say to those on His right, ?Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.? (Matthew 25, 31-36)


Pordenone (Italy)
21st January 2011


Two prisons, one inside the other.
One surrounded by high walls, barbed wire, watchtowers. Already from the car, down the road, you could see a huge island of cement, imprinting in us a feeling of oppression and heavy sadness, confirmed later as we overcame the numerous checkpoints.
We were in the maximum security prison, section 41, Campana, Buenos Aires. The inmates had committed actions condemned by the rest of society: crime, murders, and violations... actions that are, as rotten fruit, from a tree completely rotten, which some define, in a blasphemous way, Western and Christian civilization. As we entered the hall for cultural activities, several prisoners were ordered to help us setting the audio and video equipment with which we would present the DVD "The secret messages of Our Lady." One of them approached us, kindly introducing himself, and said to be working for the radio, that the interns had in that hall and kindly invited us to give him an interview for a newspaper article. "What do you feel coming for the first time in this place?" ? he asked; the question surprised me, as the recorder was already set in recording position. My lack of promptness prevented me from not being honest and I admitted the feeling of oppression and sadness surrounding me, the tension in the office full of a latent aggression that detainees have internalized as if it were something normal. But I also clarified, in a kind aptitude and without ceasing to be honest, that above all and overshadowing what was said, our hearts were joyful and very grateful to them for the opportunity they were giving to present the material that, we really believe, could help them. So he asked about our association and why we moved up there. As I answered his question together with Paola, although I preferred not to express my thoughts, as not to offend the obvious nostalgia that detainees have of the world outside, I started thinking about another prison, one that is monstrously large as the entire planet, the eternal maze, from the centre of which everything is observed by a minotaur with his red eyes full of hate...
The other prison... the same crimes of violence, death and violation are configured to form a system, whose elements, organized around the satanic intelligence, are us. Into this other prison, the inmates do not understand why they are there and ignore their crimes. Alienated by the enigmatic net of security and material comfort and crude sensorial pleasures, they end up supporting this system until finishing their vital essence, instead of using it to denounce and combat it. The man, victim of his constant blasphemy, of his constant transgressions, transformed his own humanity in a prison, confining his spirit into subjection to the world and to its powers; giving a relative importance of his sins, he has rejected the offer of redemption, rather participating to the chaos, bringing darkness in all actions of his daily life, which combine together, spreading death across the planet in result.
Dead... Let the dead bury their own dead.
The dead who do not know to be dead, pray at night, invoking the sacred name of Christ and His Blessed Mother and through the prayers in vain, begging, they ask for their family, their jobs, their health, money... but what entity do they pray to? What do they believe that Christ came into the world for? To sustain our way of life? Christ is also the destruction of the false image that we believe be and of the resulting wrong life we have chosen. Can anyone imagine that Christ taught us to get money, to remain conditioned by our family and our surroundings? They saw His disciples to be satisfied of what they were, handing over their life to Him, as He gave it to us. The Christ who spoke to us and speaks to us, comes just as he did more than 2000 years ago, every night, whispering to our conscience:
leave everything,
sell everything,
give it to the poor
take up your cross
and follow me.

...essential teaching of the Gospel, the key to its true interpretation that St. Francis from Assisi, Mahatma Gandhi, Giorgio Bongiovanni leave to us with their example... applicable in any way, under any circumstance, ever. The disintegration of the ego identity in Christ through sacrifice and self-denial that allows the reconstruction of the divine man, getting us closer to the truth that will set us free forever. This is also the Gospel of Mary, the constant search for perfection, purity, that is... conversion.
The Gospel that through another tear of blood, reminds us desperately to restart this extremely difficult and endless process and never abandon it anymore. The Gospel, which through this wonderful DVD, that our brothers have made behind the request of the Almighty, came from that other prison to the prison in the city of Campana. And it came up there to be shared by a prisoner of himself called to walk with prisoners of a system. We are all transfixed by the same crimes; oppression, fear and anxiety (which is exactly the same inside there and outside) vanished in a cloud, so that we went to speak with the plexus full of light, with the heart full of gratitude towards the Heaven, to be able to participate in this mission as servants of a servant of God.
At the end of the projection, their child-like souls came to us, asked Paola and me a lot of questions and asked us to return. Many things to be still understood, must be revealed. The time in there, just like space, is confined. The manager for coordinating the event thanked us for the presentation, we left them some DVDs and copies of the messages they can see and read in a small library. The inmates say that they will speak with those who could not attend, to urge them to attend the next meeting we aim to organize. The greatest truth of all the time, does not know any limitation, embraces everything and everyone, sooner or later it reaches us.

We would like to thank Juan Alberto Rambaldo, Giorgio Bongiovanni and Christ.

Agustin Saiz,
Campana Ark, 19th January, 2011.