Giorgio Bongiovanni was born in Floridia (SR), Sicily, on the 5th of September 1963. He revealed a particular inclination to help the others since he was young, as his father Carmelo and his mother Giovanna told us. His life changed for the first time in 1976, at the age of 13, when he met Eugenio Siragusa, the notorious alien contactee from Catania, who became his Spiritual Father. Eugenio revealed to Giorgio Bongiovanni the universal knowledge; he also followed and trained him with the cosmic doctrine that in some cases offered the confirmation and explanation of experiences that Giorgio had already lived: glowing globe sights and encounters with special Beings whose real essence would have become clear in the course of the years. Boosted by that ardent glow that Eugenio Siragusa re-awoke in his Spirit, Giorgio?s dedicated himself wholeheartedly to the study of the messages that his Spiritual Father received from ancient Beings come from different worlds in order to assist to the event of creation of our solar system and in order to help the human race in its evolutionary path.
He realized that the planet Earth is a living creature whose Spirit can be identified with the Being commonly indicated as Maria, Myriam or Mother Earth, in the different cultures. A very generous mother, without asking anything in return she feeds her children incessantly in total symbiosis with the Sun, the home of the Christic Light, that fertilises her like a Father, giving her Life, enlightening and warming her up. At the same time, Giorgio understood that this Mother is endangered because of the severe state of pollution and above all because of the high risk of an atomic conflict. The warnings of these Beings were very numerous, and through Eugenio Siragusa they manifested a compelling concern for the survival of the planet and therefore for the human race, developed science-wise but not conscience-wise. The spiritual personality of Giorgio took shape more and more clearly as time went by. With the collaboration of his brother Filippo Bongiovanni, he founded the magazine Nonsiamosoli (We are not alone) that brought together the different aspects of Eugenio Siragusa?s message. They regarded life in the Universe, the degeneration of human kind affected by the Harbar, which is the plague of brain neurons caused by pollution, able to push people to accomplish foolish acts like being homicidal and suicidal, and the resulting upset of the planet?s equilibrium. The publishing activity made him relocate in the region of Marche, in the town of Porto S. Elpidio (AP), where his family currently lives. Here he got married to Lorella that gave birth to a son: Giovanni. Giorgio Bongiovanni supported his young family with his small business producing shoes accessories. Beside his job that engaged him for many hours, Giorgio Bongiovanni looked after the magazine, the organisation and the participation to conferences, and kept in contact with all the people around the world that heard about Eugenio Siragusa. A day in April, on the 5th in 1989, around noon, Giorgio left work to go on his lunch break. He noticed a Lady that seemed to be waiting for him near his car. He was astounded by the shine radiated by this Being, because the spring sun was high in the sky. When he got closer, he realised that the Lady was hovering above the ground. She greeted him, told him her name was Myriam, and invited him to prepare himself for future encounters. Giorgio Bongiovanni was ecstatic, but upset. He returned home, told everything to Lorella and rushed to call Eugenio Siragusa on the phone, who calmed him down explaining him that he had been visited by the Madonna.
More apparitions followed on, more and more intense until the moment in which the Virgin invited Giorgio Bongiovanni to go to Fatima, where she would have given him a sign for the whole humanity. On September the 2nd 1989, Giorgio, accompanied by two Spanish friends, was kneeling down, below the great oak tree that dominates the sanctuary square. He brought red roses as a gift and waited, praying silently. As promised the Celestial Mother called him; Giorgio, gone in ecstasy, saw once more the Sublime Being that asked him if he was willing to carry part of the anguish of Her Son. Giorgio Bongiovanni agrees to the offer of the of the Virgin, and observed two rays of light departed from her chest, decorated with a white rose, that hit the palms of his hands. Giorgio fell backwards. His friends drew closer to assist him, and saw on the back of his hands a sort of bulge that burst little by little, as if a nail pushed from the inside to the outside, to open up a deep wound that went across the palms fully. The pain was excruciating with a profound spiritual trauma. Giorgio went back home were Lorella and Giovanni were waiting him, already eager to share the suffering and the blessing that the miracle of the stigmatas comprises in its mystery. Their lives changed forever. The copious daily haemorrhage could even take place more than once a day and were extremely painful. It required a few hours for Giorgio to be able to recover. Despite the attempts, he realised that he could not carry on with his job and was forced to sell his modest but profitable business.
From then on, every spiritual, physical, human and material resource of his, including what was lent or donated to him, was totally employed in the mission entrusted to him by the Virgin. In fact, beyond the stigmatisation, the first task the Madonna appointed him was to divulge the Third Secret of Fatima that the Catholic Church and Sister Lucia, the only one of the three visionary children still alive at the time, should have already disclosed since 1960, to obey her instruction. During the bleeding, Giorgio had also the vision of the Master Jesus who became his guide taking over the Virgin?s role, who instead, appeared to him only in particular moments of his life, often to console him or to alleviate the painful sorrows always present in his path.
With the early journeys around the world, the first part of Giorgio Bongiovanni?s mission began. Spain, Argentina, Uruguay e Paraguay were the initial locations. In Montevideo Giorgio met Queen Sofia of Spain, to whom he showed his stigmatas; afterwards, on the 27th of October 1990 in Madrid, she introduced him to Mikhail Gorbachev, the USSR president at the time, and to his wife Raissa. The young stigmatist asked the Russian premier to announce the Third Secret of Fatima to his country, and received his permission. A lot of common people eager to know his story also had the chance to meet him. Many believed him; others held opposing views, especially because of his position further and further from the directives of the Catholic Church that wanted him obedient and wary of releasing certain truths that diverge from the official doctrine. In fact, the messages that Giorgio received from the Master Jesus contain simple but revolutionary elements. Reincarnation, life in the universe, the real essence of the Church, the evolutionary law of cause-effect, the strict accusations to the violent and selfish men, the appeals against the wars and the cruelties inflicted to the poorest and to the most innocent people, just as the direct condemnation to the dictators and to the evil ones, made him rather unpopular. It was September again, the 2nd once more, of 1991. Giorgio was in Porto S. Elpidio, at home. He bled and the Master Jesus showed him ?two crosses for humanity, one that redeems and one that punishes?. At the same moment two bleeding crosses appeared on his feet. It was a new shock both for him and for his family. Giorgio thought it was a temporary sign as he feared not to be able to walk anymore, and therefore accomplish his duty. But as the days went by, the two crosses took more and more the shape of the stigmatas on his hands. Supported by his wife Lorella and by his friends, he got up and with great difficulty managed to walk a few steps: he understood that his wounds were to be permanent.
With his hands and his feet marked, Giorgio Bongiovanni went to Moscow. Probably for the first time in history, a religious man spoke live on the first channel of the national television, to an audience of 150 million people.
It was April the 2nd, 1992. Russia was already upset by the military coup d'?tat that overthrew president Gorbachev, sweeping away probably the only possibility of a pacific open attitude towards the West. Giorgio made a plea to the authorities, so that the Kremlin leaders would not abandon their nation to the corruption and degrade. He explained that the Virgin Mary, in the second part of the Message of Fatima, asked that Russia would be consecrated to her immaculate heart; otherwise she would have opened out its mistakes around the world. It was impossible not to read in the wholehearted appeal the allusion to the nuclear danger that this power in decline keeps on representing still today, in terms of weaponry in decay and of sale of contaminated material, as well as the allusion to the spread organised criminality that recycles billions of dollars reinserting them in the international economical market. In clear contrast with the classical image of the mystic aiming focussed on healing and prayers, promulgated by the ecclesiastic power, the stigmatas of Giorgio Bongiovanni were a living admonishment that penetrated and often anticipated the events of contemporary history. It was the case of Africa, a continent particularly beloved by Giorgio for the deep commotion caused by the suffering and the nobility of these folks, harassed by misery, by the horrors of war and by diseases. Even here, in Kinshasa (former Zaire), he participated to a television program. The young stigmatist spoke with humbleness, but with a firm determination. He accused the dictator Mobutu, ruling at the time, to look after his sole interests not in favour of his people; the fact was so serious that the program was interrupted by a few soldiers of the repression army who stormed the premises. Giorgio asked to the crowds to stay together in the name of Christ and not to fall in the trap of the ethnic hostility supported and above all nourished through weapons and bribes by foreign states who are only interested to exploit the rich territory. Notwithstanding the lively sensitivity towards the sign and towards the message, unfortunately fratricidal wars and tragic genocides struck right on the places touched by the numerous journeys of Giorgio, whose brutality shocked even the spoiled Western world. Many years later, again live on TV, showing his stigmatas, Giorgio warned even the Argentinean people if the economical crisis that would have struck shortly after. The year 1992 was fundamental for Giorgio.
On May the 28th, he was back in South America, in Montevideo, Uruguay. The fifth stigmata appeared, on the chest, on the left hand side. The bleeding was plentiful and the blood oozing forth drew on the body of the young man the evident shape of a chalice. Five days before, the judge Giovanni Falcone was brutally assassinated in Italy, together with his wife and his three escort agents. Not even two months later, the judge Paolo Borsellino and five bodyguards paid the same price for serving the unique value of Justice. The death of the two Sicilian Judges deeply struck Giorgio Bongiovanni and caused a sharp turn of his life. For that moment, it was just a postponed appointment. In autumn Giorgio was in Russia again. Among the various meetings, he was invited to Alma Ada in Kazakhstan, to participate to the Spiritual Harmony Congress, where there were the representatives of all the Oriental churches. During his talk, he appealed to everyone for a human and spiritual unity beyond the cultural or religious differences. Religion in fact, from the Latin verb ?religare?, means ?to bring together?, while the different Churches not only divide the human kind with the ?holy? wars that keep on firing the world up, but because of their mundane corruption, they have divided the human kind from his spiritual essence, pushing it to a material desperation. Employing the positive forces in any situation he worked in, was one of the top priorities of Giorgio Bongiovanni. From the very beginning of his mission in fact, he tried to contact personally all the Virgin Mary seers that received warning messages just like him, and asked them to reveal the prophecies that the Virgin gave them, in order to warn the relevant people on the enormous risks they faced. All of them replied that they complied with the decisions of the Holy Mother Church, thus obeying to the compulsory directives of being silent on the issue. Nevertheless the Celestial Lady, in Medjugorje, prophesised the terrible war that within a few years time took place in Yugoslavia, just like in Africa she forewarned Rwandan seers, predicting the atrocities of the genocide, showing them streams of blood and masses of corpses. Now it is difficult to say whether that pain could have been avoided simply by responding to the wholehearted appeal of the Madonna that pleaded for the conversion and the repentance of all her children, without prejudice regarding their roots or ethnic group. Even Sister Lucia Dos Santos, one of the little visionary shepherds of Fatima who died recently, handed over the Third Secret to the Vatican, who revealed on the 13th of May 2000 a partial version according to many. On this matter, Giorgio Bongiovanni published an extraordinary article in which he gave a detailed explanation of the message, just as he received it, together with a more accurate interpretation of the vision. Another fundamental aspect of Giorgio Bongiovanni?s experience is specifically linked to the apparition of Fatima.